Küçük Ağa Episode 6 Preview

He is in a bad mood when Mehmetcan finds out that his mother is leaving.  Both Sinem and Ali are going to be doing a lot of running after him.  Sinem is going to England, but she is uncomfortable.  Meanwhile, Ali takes Mehmetcan to a Psychologist, but this is not going to be a good idea.  Mehmet Ağa truly misses his grandson and can no longer stay away, he comes to Istanbul.  Mehmetcan will seriously mixed things up once again.

New Episode air’s Tuesday 4 March @ 20:00 on KanalD



Eš Sa. 1. Epi

Spoiler Daleki Grad 19. 20. Epizoda i druge!?

Promenio se kraj, sutra je poslednji dan snimanja za Merta Ramazana Demira u seriji "Ženskaroš iz Vile"! ( SPOJLER )